By nature, I’m a pacifist. If you threaten me with a gun, I’ll tell you to pull the trigger. In fact, I might even move closer so you can have a better target. Death has no hold on me because I agree with R. W. Schambach’s statement: “Sudden death brings sudden Glory.”
So, for me, death is not a big deal. Bring it on!
Yet, I’m not a pacifist when it comes to my wife, family, friends, or neighbors. I will protect their lives with whatever I can grab at the time. If it’s a gun, I will shoot. If it’s a knife, I will slash. If it’s a baseball bat, I will hit. If it’s a rock, I will throw. If nothing is available, I will use my fists, feet, head, and teeth. I will fight until there is no breath left inside me.
And I won’t play by the Lone Ranger’s rules which always had him shooting guns out of bad men’s hands. No, not at all. I will aim for the middle of the torso with an intent to kill.
Then Jesus asked them, ”When I sent you out to preach the Good News and you did not have money, a traveler’s bag, or an extra pair of sandals, did you need anything?” ”No,” they replied. ”But now,” he said, ”take your money and a traveler’s bag. And if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one! (Luke 22:35-36 NLT)
In the above verses, Jesus referred to two different time periods. The first referred to His sending the twelve disciples out on a specific evangelistic journey. Along with commissioning them, He also gave specific prophetic words for them to follow. Their protection and survival depended on obeying His specific instructions.
The second refers to the time period after His crucifixion and resurrection. What He basically told the disciples was to plan, prepare, and defend themselves.
Why did Jesus emphasize buying a sword? Bands of thieves attacked travelers on roads between cities, often killing them. Paul even mentioned this fact in his second letter to the church of Corinth.
So, unless we have specific instructions from the Lord, shouldn’t we do the same?
As a Christian, I’ve worked through the gun issue for myself. You must do the same.
(More on the gun issue in future articles.)