After looking my Physiology 400 final exam over, the only question I could count on getting correct for sure was the one at the top: my name. The odds of me passing the test were the same as for the Titanic staying afloat in the North Atlantic Ocean with a hole in its hull the size of Rhode Island.
I had no excuses. After all, I had all semester to plan and prepare for the final exam which determined my grade in the course. Yet, I frittered away time on everything but preparation.
So, there I sat, looking at the last test of my senior year of college and wondering if I would graduate on schedule. If only I would have…
We’ve all been in this position at some point or another in our lives. The anguish we felt was proportional to the size of calamity we faced. Most of the time, these experiences ended up being little speed bumps in our lives.
But what if?
Let’s say a major calamity, like an earthquake, hits your city. Your electricity and water are knocked out. Natural gas lines have burst. Streets are impassable because of debris and wreckage. And sadly, you have not planned and prepared ahead of time for survival.
What will you do? Run to your neighbors? Run to the grocery stores? What?
Don’t put your family and yourself in this position, hoping your neighbors, the Red Cross, or government agencies will bail you out of your irresponsible preparation and planning. It did not work well for Katrina victims so don’t go thinking it will for you.
But instead, each time you go to the store, pick up a few extra supplies and put them in a closet. Cans of tuna. Water. Toilet paper. Beans. Rice. Aspirin. Other supplies. After a few weeks, you will be ready.
And if a calamity happens, you at least won’t be muttering, “If only I would have…”
Check the Preparation for Survival Links on the right sidebar, just under the Gospel For Asia Blogger icon.